Plant Nappy Liner (small)
Product Code: PNAP17662
Size:500mm x 685mm Sorbent Capacity: 2.5Litres Supplied as single items The Plant Nappy� liner is a useful addition to complement and extend the life of the Plant Nappy�. The liner sits snugly onto the base of the Plant Nappy� but is easily removed for cleaning or replacement.Just as the Plant Nappy� has a non-permeable base and a tough top cover so has the liner to give prolonged efficient service. Cleaning of the liner couldn't be easier, simply remove the liner from the Plant Nappy� and squeeze out the oil into a suitable receptacle, and then replace back into the Plant Nappy� for reuse. Because the liner is flat, a pair of rollers such as a mangle would prove quite useful for this procedure. Available in 3 sizes to fit the Plant Nappy base.Visit the SERPRO Ltd website for more information on Plant Nappy Liner (small)