Audible Visual Alarms
Audible Visual Alarms Safety systems require audible visual alarms to provide clear unambiguous indication of an alarm condition. IGD can supply both safe area and ATEX audible visual alarms (beacon Sounders). Our safe area Beacon Sounders are low power high output models allowing easy integration with IGD’s addressable gas detection systems where they can be powered from the data highways, minimising cabling. Typical specifications for our safe area beacon Sounders Power 24V DC 50mA Sounder 106dB at 1M Beacon High Intensity LED Colour Amber 20mm Conduit entries Surface Mounting Legend plates can be added which use the beacons mounting screws to clearly indicate that the alarm relates to the gas detection system. Safe area beacon Sounders are stocked for immediate despatch. ATEX audible visual alarms will usually require their own power supply and can have a number of options. Units supplied are certified ExD units. Power 110V AC, 230V AC or 24 V DC Beacon Colour Combined Audible Visual, Visual Only, Audible Only Sounder output ATEX models are quoted to your requirements.Visit the International Gas Detectors (IGD) website for more information on Audible Visual Alarms