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The use of atg UV Technology Ultraviolet disinfection systems in fish farms, mussel farms, aquariums and hatcheries has led to the production of healthier and larger fish, improved water quality, possible increases in stock density and vastly reduces the risk of disease.

atg UV Technology's disinfection systems are chemical free, automatic and cannot be overdosed. This ensures the maintenance of the physical characteristics of the water, such as PH levels and temperature, whilst avoiding the introduction of harmful toxins, such as chlorine into the environment.

Ultraviolet disinfection is non-selective in the destruction of all water borne bacteria, pathogens, viruses and micro-organisms. Organisms responsible for fish diseases, which are treatable using state- of-the-art atg UV Technology disinfection systems are:

•Whirling disease Viral
•Ulcerative Dermal Necrosis (UDN)
•Infectious Salmon Anaemia (ISA)
•Saprolegenia (fungal disease)
•Proliterative Kidney Disease (PKD)
•Nervous Necrosis (VNN)
•Ichtyophthirius (white spot disease)
•Flavo Bacterium
•Viral haemorrhagic septicaemia (VHS)
•Vibrio Anguillarum

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