
Wilden Shift Up a Gear


Wilden to introduce new Air Valve configuration Wilden Logo In mid-June Wilden Pumps, part of the Pump Solutions Group, made a market leading announcement, introducing their newly redesigned air valve for Wilden series pumps. The new Pro-Flo Shift air valve is undoubtedly a very large step forward in air valve technology indeed. The new design blows all the competition out of the window and can offer roughly 40-50% air consumption reduction. On a factory or large process situation this could result in astonishing quantities of money saved. The new valve also has numerous other cost saving benefits, including simple design, minimal wearing parts and a far lower stroke count than any of the competitor pumps. Below is a quick summary video of the basic changes and benefits with the Pro-flo Shift valve. Wilden (not suprisingly) are very confidently marketing this new technological leap on many platforms, so we will include some extra links to their own information on their website, of which there is plenty! We believe these pumps are going to make a huge difference to the industry in costs, maintenance, performance, reliability and user confidence. We cannot impress how much of a cost saving these new units could be for clients, even with the outlay of investing into the new style pumps. Keep your eyes peeled for other large manufacturers trying to play catch up in the coming months to this amazing leap. More info: Wilden page: Wilden Full Live Broadcast & Tests: Wilden's Website: Telephone: 0208 552 1172 | Facsimile: 0208 470 4617 or find out more details right here.

Visit the Air Pumping Ltd website for more information on Wilden Shift Up a Gear


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